Hydrogen peroxide is used for many things in the household, but it’s also a remedy that if you hadn’t known by now, it can be used to disinfect minor scratches and cuts – it’s what doctors usually use in the hospital when cleaning wounds. But that’s not its only purpose. It can also be used […]
Author: Marilyn Kate
Get Rid of Blackheads For Good
Blackheads can be really annoying, especially if they’re consistent. They make your skin rough, and if you leave them untreated for a while, they can even cause scars on your skin. But they are not untreatable, they’re very normal and can be treated easily. All you need to know is just a few ways of […]
16 Signs There’s A Toxic, Congested Lymph In The Body And How To Help Drain It
Since we are constantly surrounded by numerous toxins from various sources, and lead fast-paced lifestyles, toxins start to accumulate and clog the lymphatic system, residing the body in stress and weakening the immunity. According to Medical News Today: “The lymphatic system is part of the immune system. It also maintains fluid balance and plays a […]
14 Things Your Eyes are Trying to Tell You About Your Health
Disappearing Eyebrows When the outer third of your eyebrow starts to disappear on its own, this is a common sign of thyroid disease, namely hypothyroidism. A Stye That Won’t Go Away If it doesn’t clear up in three months, or keeps recurring in the same location, it could be a rare cancer called sebaceous gland […]
Here 2 Tablespoons Of This A Day Will Reduce Your Waist Size
Here 2 Tablespoons Of This A Day Will Reduce Your Waist Size From ancient times up to now, nature was the main source of medicine for everyone. It contains all the necessary nutrients and useful properties that people need to survive. Some people prefer natural medicine because it is affordable, simple to prepare and it […]
10 Dream Symbols You Should Never Ignore
“Dreams are invariably seeking to express something that the ego does not know and does not understand.” – Carl Jung. Carl Jung was a 19th century psychotherapist. He conducted a series of studies and concluded that looking into dreams was opening a door into consciousness and the spirit world. Dreams are a reflection a person’s sub […]
Every Woman Should Know These 15 Tricks with Baking Soda
Women pay special attention to the way their look on a daily basis, so they spend a lot of time and money in order to optimize the health of their skin, hair, and body. Yet, commercial products are full of chemicals that do more harm than good, since they endanger health by posing serious health […]
CHECK YOUR BODY: Warning Signs That You Have a Fatty Liver Ways and How to Cleanse It
The liver is an important organ located in the upper quadrant of the abdomen. It is the largest organ in the body and is responsible for more than a hundred important processes. This is why you need to learn the symptoms of liver damage and how to treat the condition properly. 12 early symptoms of […]
7 Remedies To Get Rid Of Cholesterol Milk Spots Naturally
The milia, which is as well known as milk spots, is actually a harmless skin disorder which manifests in the form of small white bumps on the skin that are actually an accumulation of keratin and these usually appear in the area around the nose, cheeks and eyes, and they never go away once they […]
11 Unbelievable Habits of People with Hidden Depression (No.9 Is so Sad)
Nowadays, the number of people suffering from depression is significantly increasing, and those who suffer from hidden depression fight against their inner demons while people around them are completely unaware of it. We started suppressing feelings and problems instead of sharing them with someone close, and this only aggravates the issue. Yet, everyone needs to […]