Author: Marilyn Kate


We all know that the ideal relationship doesn’t exist — even relationships that seem happy are made up of sacrifices and conversations. But despite this fact, every couple wants to have a perfect relationship without quarrels and misunderstandings. Every woman dreams of finding her charming prince and her own dream house, where she will spend […]

5 Things Your Partner Should Never Ask You For

When you’re in a relationship, you want to do everything you can for your partner. When you’re in love, you’d move heaven and earth to make your partner smile. But when does this become dangerous, as opposed to romantic? Unfortunately, there are people out there that seek to use and abuse the trust and devotion of […]

8 Roads to Take That Lead to Better Sex …

There is no getting away from the fact that sex and sexual satisfaction is a huge part of most relationships. When you can pleasure your partner and be pleasured just as well in return, it definitely makes for a much happier and contented camp! If you feel the same way but have recently been having […]