Liver damage is one of those afflictions that happens to almost every adult above the age of 40. It is a sign that you are not taking care of your body. But, do we always understand the signs? No. Sometimes, we think it is because of the things we eat, but it goes way deeper […]
Author: Marilyn Kate
What Does Increased Hair In Different Parts Of The Body Say About Women’s Health
Like it or not, we all have body hair. It’s something quite normal that shouldn’t worry you, even if you’re not their biggest fan. But if the location and texture of the hair changes, it could mean a health problem. Here’s what your hair says about your health. First define what your hairs are: Velvet […]
What Does The Shape Of Your Navel Say About Your Health?
Scientists have found amazing correlations between the shape of your navel and health. There are 4 types of navel that can provide a lot of information about your health. What type of navel do you have? Let’s find out. 1. Small and swollen form: If you have this form, it means you’re more vulnerable to […]
Skin Tightening Homemade Wrinkle Cream That Works Better Than Botox
Give this 3 ingredients face mask a try and look years younger. Looking younger, doesn’t have to cost so much anymore. Plastic surgery is also a very costly solutions and we definitely don’t recommend it, however, the following all natural homemade mask will help you lose a few years off your face. You will look […]
Hydrogen Peroxide Cures Nail Fungus – Step by Step Guide
Hydrogen peroxide is used for many things in the household, but it’s also a remedy that if you hadn’t known by now, it can be used to disinfect minor scratches and cuts – it’s what doctors usually use in the hospital when cleaning wounds. But that’s not its only purpose. It can also be used […]
Get Rid of Blackheads For Good
Blackheads can be really annoying, especially if they’re consistent. They make your skin rough, and if you leave them untreated for a while, they can even cause scars on your skin. But they are not untreatable, they’re very normal and can be treated easily. All you need to know is just a few ways of […]
14 Signs Showing That Your Blood Sugar Is Very High
Glucose is the primary vitality hotspot for the human body. The glucose sum in the blood is shown by the dimensions of sugar. When we eat, glucose enters our body and it is conveyed to our body cells. Hyperglycemia, or high glucose, normally shows up when the human body can’t process the glucose appropriately, or […]
Here 2 Tablespoons Of This A Day Will Reduce Your Waist Size
Here 2 Tablespoons Of This A Day Will Reduce Your Waist Size From ancient times up to now, nature was the main source of medicine for everyone. It contains all the necessary nutrients and useful properties that people need to survive. Some people prefer natural medicine because it is affordable, simple to prepare and it […]
Remove Plaque From Your Teeth Just In 2 Minutes!
You might not be aware of the fact that oral health actually determines your overall health. One of the vital parts of the procedure for oral hygiene consists of using mouthwash. It reduces the presence of plaque, while reaching and fighting bacteria that escaped dental cleaning at the same time. It is actually the final […]
Every Woman Should Know These 15 Tricks with Baking Soda
Women pay special attention to the way their look on a daily basis, so they spend a lot of time and money in order to optimize the health of their skin, hair, and body. Yet, commercial products are full of chemicals that do more harm than good, since they endanger health by posing serious health […]