Author: Marilyn Kate

Never Ignore These Warning Signs Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

The deficiency of vitamin B12, or hypocobalaminemia, refers to the reduced levels of this vitamin in the blood. It is manifested by many signs and symptoms, many of them related to the psychological and emotional health. The most common cause include reduced intake, the use of certain medications, genetics, malnutrition, poor absorption from the stomach […]

The Most Healing Water for Your Thyroid, Brain, and Liver

People have recognized and valued the amazing healing properties of turmeric for centuries, and this powerful anti-inflammatory herb can boost health in numerous ways. It has an impressive nutritional profile, and according to Dr.Axe: “One tablespoon (seven grams) of ground turmeric contains about: 23.9 calories 4.4 grams carbohydrates 0.5-gram protein 0.7grams fat 1.4 grams fiber 0.5-milligram manganese (26 percent […]

Ancient German Remedy That Will Unclog Arteries, Lower Cholesterol And Improve Your Immune System!

Are you one of the people who ask themselves “How can I unclog my arteries or clean my arteries without surgery?” and, “What are some good heart foods?” Firstly, quit doing the things that give you atherosclerosis in the first place. Said in different words, the arteries do not become clogged just by luck of […]