Author: Marilyn Kate

The Appeal of Vicks Vaporub Uses

Vicks VapoRub can be utilized in few exceptional varieties of vaporizers and humidifiers. Vicks VapoRub can help you do this. Vicks VapoRub has existed for over 100 decades and is among the most commonly used over-the-counter decongestants. Using Vicks VapoRub to clear acne is reportedly among the simplest home remedies. The Basic Facts of Vicks […]

The Appeal of Vicks Vaporub Uses

Vicks VapoRub can be utilized in few exceptional varieties of vaporizers and humidifiers. Vicks VapoRub can help you do this. Vicks VapoRub has existed for over 100 decades and is among the most commonly used over-the-counter decongestants. Using Vicks VapoRub to clear acne is reportedly among the simplest home remedies. The Basic Facts of Vicks […]

Free at-home HIIT workouts on Amazon Prime

We’re inching toward month 10 of quarantine, and while some gyms have re-opened around the country, they’re at reduced capacity in most cases—or not open at all, depending on where you live. If you’re still wary of the gym or don’t want to deal with limited capacity, home workouts are often free and easy. HIIT stands for High-Intensity […]

California Disney employee brags about getting COVID-19 vaccine early, hospital says leftover doses were given to non-frontline health care workers

A 33-year-old California woman who works at Disney allegedly jumped the line for the first round of her COVID-19 vaccine through a connection at a local hospital. The woman, who has not been publicly identified, bragged on Facebook about getting the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine ahead of the general public, the Orange County Register reported […]

GoDaddy Employees never received a Holiday Bonus. It Was Actually a Phishing Test.

Roughly 500 employees failed the test, which claimed they would receive a $650 bonus. “2020 has been a record year for GoDaddy, thanks to you!” the email read. Sent by, tucked underneath a glittering banner of a snowflake and stamped with the words “GoDaddy Holiday Party,” the Dec. 14 email to hundreds of GoDaddy […]