There’s not a single medicine cabinet that doesn’t contain Vaseline, I’m sure of that. However, this popular product is more harmful than you could ever imagine! What is Vaseline actually? It is the medical name for what’s actually petroleum jelly. It is actually a byproduct of the oil refining process. It was discovered in the […]
Author: Marilyn Kate
Ice Cube On Your Neck Can Be An Amazing Health Trick
Are you the type of person who goes to the doctor or directly in the pharmacy for every ache or pain, even if it’s minor? There’s a saying “With medicine, your pain would heal in a week. Without medicine, in 7 days”. Maybe you would like to try curing yourself first, before asking for help. […]
Do You Wake Up Every Night at The Exact Same Time? This Is What It Actually Means!
Have you been waking up in the exact same time every night? Maybe even doing the exact same things over and over every night? There actually is a pattern why this is happening. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, this means that a specific organ or a whole system of organs is dysfunctional. That means your natural bio-rhythm […]
Bedtime Habits Only Happy Couples Do
Relationships need investment. Not only to build, but to last as well. Don’t you feel that you’re in a constant rush and anxiety in this modern world? You’re connected on the Internet 24/7, but are you truly connected to your partner 24/7 as well? The last thing and the first thing you do in the day, […]
Early Cancer Signs Everyone Ignores
The human body always sends signals…too bad our consciousness rarely recognizes them. So many things could change if we learn to live synchronized between our body signals and our mind, because the inner body language is something that never lies. We just need to “open our ears”. Or, to be more exact, our fifth sense […]
Bad Shower Habits For Your Health
A shower is so much more than just a way to clean ourselves. A shower is a morning wake up call, a natural stress relief, an aroma therapy, a bed time story… However, the skin is the biggest organ in our body. And skin is directly affected by the shower. And through skin many other […]
Early Signs of Cancer
Every cancer is painful and hard to detect. However, when speaking about the an*l can*l, spotting that something’s wrong maybe somehow easier than noticing that something inside your abdomen is wrong. The riskiest thing that could get you closer to getting an*l cancer is risk sexual intercourse. That’s why you should always wear a condom […]
The Magic of Putting Garlic Under The Pillow
If you think that this trick is just to scare the night creatures and vampires away, then no. At least, not speaking from a scientific and proven point of view. However, garlic is one of the healthiest eatable vegetable known to humanity. It can even cure insomnia! A research showed that almost 40 million people […]
The Appeal of Vicks Vaporub Uses
Vicks VapoRub can be utilized in few exceptional varieties of vaporizers and humidifiers. Vicks VapoRub can help you do this. Vicks VapoRub has existed for over 100 decades and is among the most commonly used over-the-counter decongestants. Using Vicks VapoRub to clear acne is reportedly among the simplest home remedies. The Basic Facts of Vicks […]
What You Should Do About Hair Loss and Brittle Nails Treatment
People with hair loss should speak with their doctor about treatment alternatives. With chemotherapy, it is almost always temporary. It can be sudden or slow. Your diet affects your whole wellness and well-being. Somebody’s diet doesn’t have much of an effect on hair loss or hair development. Unfortunately, lots of people don’t possess the best […]