Author: admin

What Does Your Sitting Position Reveal About Your Personality

There are psychologists who studied body language and human behaviour, and they claim that how we sit could reveal a lot about our intentions and personality. When we sit down, we sit down unconsciously, but through our sub consciousness our instincts and intentions could be revealed. The following are the most common sitting positions and […]


 Unwanted hair removal is a very common dilemma that all individuals wish to have removed permanently from their bodies. This is particularly prevalent in young girls and women. But these days the male population too are starting to take part in this process and are starting to shape, trim and shave their unwanted hair as […]

Everything You Need To Know About Vitamin B12

 Vitamin B 12 enables new cell formation in the human body, makes the old cells regenerate and maintains the nerve cells and red blood cells. This particular vitamin attaches to the proteins in food and when it’s released, it bonds with intrinsic factor (glycoprotein), a substance that allows our intestines to absorb vitamin B 12 […]