Category: Fitness

8 Bad Habits that Makes You Age Quickly

So to find out more about 8 bad habits of people who don’t age gracefully. Read on. 1. You become cynical Life is full of disappointments and hard times. People leave you and move on to someone else. Relationships end, and your dreams die. You try to make the best of a bad situation, but often your efforts are […]

Does Morphine Speed up Death in Hospices

It was in the entertaining movie series Mistresses that Dr. Karen Kim, a pyschologist, gives her patient, Thomas Grey, an overdose of morphine so that he can die peacefully. Thomas Grey is battling with a terminal illness and he wants a peaceful, yet comfortable way out. Dr. Karen Kim helps him out. This must have […]

Uses For Dental Floss

Dental floss isn’t just used for good dental hygiene. There are lots of ways that dental floss can be used around your house. Here are some of our favorite non-traditional uses for dental floss. Clothes Line Tie some dental floss to two stationary objects and hang your clothes from them to create a clothes line. […]