Category: Healthy Tips

Why Do Men Get Enlarged Prostates?

The prostate is located under the bladder and surrounds the urethra. It is the male reproductive gland responsible for producing the fluid that carries sperm during ejaculation. Urinary dribbling, inability to completely empty bladder, and pain while urinating are considered lower urinary tract symptoms and are all side effects associated with enlarged prostates. Medical authorities explain causes […]

Garlic Milk Can Cure Asthma, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Heart Issues, Insomnia, Cough, Arthritis And Other Health Issues Too

This one is a recipe that is medicinal and amazing for the health especially about cough. It is actually named garlic milk and is made of a mix from warm milk and garlic. It can cure asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, heart issues, insomnia, cough, Arthritis and other health issues too. You will need: 500 ml milk 10 cloves minced garlic […]

Natural Remedies for Enlarged Prostate

About half of all men over age 75 have symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or an enlarged prostate gland. Although common for older men, symptoms of BPH can certainly be unpleasant. Fortunately, plenty of men have found relief through natural remedies. Here are eight natural remedies for enlarged prostate found to be the most effective […]

How To Grow Your Hair Faster

If you’re one of those “lucky” ones that is blessed with thin, barely there hair, if you’ve come to the right place! Today you’ll learn how to grow your hair faster, healthier, and thicker!. Remember that most people aren’t born with a thick head of long, luscious locks…they actually abide to some very specific rules! […]

Can cocktail of aspirin, lemon juice, honey and water cure coronavirus? Here is the answer

The World Health Organization has debunked such claims and warned against self-medication or home remedies Adding to the list of fake news is this detail being circulated widely on social media as a cure for the coronavirus. Various messages claim that Italy has found a cure for COVID-19 with a home remedy that has just […]

Portable smartphone COVID-19 test delivers results in under 40 minutes

Scientists have designed a rapid, portable COVID-19 test that can provide results on a smartphone. Its developers claim that it could broaden access to affordable testing in regions that lack expertise, infrastructure, and specialized equipment for laboratory-based testing. As of September 3, 2020, SARS-CoV-2 — the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 — has infected more than […]