It is true that most of us are used to go to bed wearing our fav pajamas on, not to mention that it seems like there is no other way out when the winter hits. But the truth is that no matter the season you better sleep naked. We are not joking here; the research […]
Category: Lifestyle
A 7-step approach to shaving the bikini line without creating ingrown hairs
It is almost impossible to find a woman who does not take care of her appearance, starting from hair and ending with heels. Especially it concerns the summer period, when you have to bare yourself, for example, wear shorts and t-shirts, not to mention the beach. However, unfortunately, sometimes there is such an unpleasant side-effect […]
Top 10 signs of aging that can be undone
Every year American women spend millions dollars for creams, oils and cosmetics, hoping that these can help delay aging processes and stay young for many years. However aging is natural part of our lives. We all notice that passing years leave noticeable trace on our appearance and well-being. It’s completely impossible to stop normal actions, […]
8 things every woman should and shouldn’t do after sex
What do you know about sex safety and hygiene? Probably that sex has to be consensual, well, safe, and uh oh! you probably should maintain your nether parts hygiene. These are all correct, but do you know specific do’s and don’ts of intercourse? Because there are things you should think about prior to having sex, and […]
The top 5 tips to eliminate cellulite
Nowadays, almost every second woman faces a problem such as cellulite. Cellulite is a local increase in fat cells and a violation of microcirculation in adipose tissue. Moreover, you can face this problem due to some factors that can cause cellulite, such as hormones, malnutrition, dehydration, unhealthy lifestyle, and genetics. This stubborn fat can result […]
9 amazing things that happen when you meet the soulmate
Modern life sets you into a rushy mood. Your are stressed because of multiple tasks and deadlines, so you even have no time to think your private life over. Well, if you have time for a private life, of course. Life can be hectic, we know that no more than you. Today women are used […]
3 types of kisses that he won’t easily forget
A kiss is an expression of love, passion and attraction. This is a very intimate activity that brings people together and strengthens relationships. A kiss is a great way to express your feelings. However, there are cultures, which believe that kissing may mean more than just love. This is a sign of friendship, trust, respect […]
4 types of women and why guys choose them
It would seem that the idea of building “eternal love” is more than simple. But what is difficult? Why do we burn so many bridges and hurt ourselves and our partner? Let’s try to understand and understand when women make mistakes! #1. Attracting a man is a state of LOVERS Mistress is a firebomb. Sexy, […]
Dating after divorce: 7 reasons to take some “me” time after a split
There are many reasons why it is not worth starting a new relationship right after the end of the old one. In general, this is a big mistake, although sometimes this option seems very tempting to you. Starting a new relationship, make sure that there are all the conditions for its successful development. Any relationship […]
The top 5 behaviours that can make you more attractive
To be attractive does not mean to be able to combine trend clothes with the latest makeup novelties or to have natural beauty and physical perfection. In a society, where people interact with each other, it is more important to have such characteristics as charisma, character and self-confidence. You can develop all these qualities by […]