Category: Lifestyle

It’s Normal For Your Vagina To Change As You Get Older—But These 5 Things Can Age It Faster

Just like every other part of your body, your vagina undergoes changes as you pass through the decades. Your vulva might thin out and lose elasticity, for example, muscle tone can become reduced, and fluctuating hormone levels can alter levels of your natural lubrication. But certain habits can cause some of these changes to set […]

Can having sex lead to weight loss?

Sex is a pleasurable activity and like any other physical activity, you burn calories doing it. So yes, sex does help in burning some amount of calories which can contribute in you losing weight. But depending entirely on it to reach your weight loss goals can be a bit too farfetched. Here s how much […]

7 Possible Reasons Why Women Cheat

Cheating and infidelity are words that are often associated with only men. When we hear that someone cheated in a relationship, the first thing that comes to our mind is “I’m sure it was the man who cheated”. Nobody expects a woman to cheat because we often think that cheating is a man’s thing. But women cheat too. […]

12 Signs He Is Not In Love With You

I just want to share to you this post that I read from the internet especially to those women out there who are experiencing these signs at some point in their relationship. Girls/women can post comments if you have experienced some of the signs and share how you feel and what you do about it. […]