Author: Marilyn Kate

8 Female Body Parts Men Love!

That curved part in which any man could lose himself, that corner of your body that you never imagined he could like so much, he might not say it, but it will be enough to just observe him attentively to find out there are certain places in our anatomy that he absolutely worships. This is […]

Never Do This While In Your Period!

When your period strikes, it doesn’t ask if you have a wedding to attend, a  very special date or a meeting, or a 15hour-long flight or drive… those days are the most painful and uncomfortable days in the month for a woman, and if you’re not a housewife, they can be even more excruciating. There […]

The Men’s Secret of The Mornings !

All men wake up with a morning erection. It is a commonly known fact, but hard to understand for the females. Morning activities in bed is definitely something that men crave more than women. But if you think that’s because men want to have sexual interactions all the time, or dream of them every single […]

Why Married Men Fall In Love With Other Women

Ever since childhood, we feed on the notion of fairy-tale-like marriages and happily-ever-afters. But, seldom do these dreams come true. Sooner or later, the brutal reality hits us and shatters the dream. As time passes, a relationship built with passion and love can go haywire. Even in the most perfect of marriages, one faces situations […]