Did you know that the average human being actually cries around 16 and a half gallons of tears throughout the course of their entire life? Well, that’s according to scientists. But it seems like people typically prefer to just keep their emotions bottled up inside because they are afraid of being called weak or soft. […]
Author: Marilyn Kate
What Happens When You Drink Ginger Water Every Day
If you aren’t drinking ginger water every day, then you probably haven’t heard that is one of the most effective ways to boost your health in a sweet and delicious way! You probably have heard countless times, about the good benefits of lemon water for your health. On the other hand, studies have shown that ginger has […]
Can Onion Juice Stop Hair Loss?
Onion juice is a known remedy for hair health, specifically for hair loss. It’s been used for decades as a home treatment. Onion juice for hair care Onion juice is a known remedy for hair health, specifically for hair loss. It’s been used for decades as a home treatment. Considering using onion juice for your […]
Coconut Oil Can Make You Look 10 Years Younger If You Use It For 2 Weeks This Way
The most popular oil that is not only for cooking purposes is the coconut oil. Coconut oil believe it or not has the most beneficial components concerning beauty and health issues. When we look back this oil was considered as enemy number one to the people affected with heart issues or high blood pressure. Luckily […]
Men Can Literally NEVER Talk About This Fears!
It is commonly known that men are more closed than women. In many fields of life, women are more talkative and opened up, and men are the ones who need to be questioned if you want to know something more about them. If you ever thought that men are fearless – that’s because of their […]
6 Texts To Send Your Ex After A Break Up
Breaking up is never really an easy thing for anyone to just go through. This is especially true if there are still a lot of lingering feelings involved that need to be addressed. But in spite of the negative nature of every breakup, it doesn’t always have to be so bad. You just have to […]
10 Signs Your Boyfriend Might Be Interested In Looking For Someone New
When you get cheated on, it can feel like it’s the worst feeling in the world. It can feel like a gunshot straight to the heart with minimal chance of survival. There’s just a level of pain that comes with such a betrayal that is almost unbearable. You develop a really strong trust and bond […]
11 Signs That He’s Only Playing Around With You
Who wants to be played with? Very few people. In fact, it would probably be safe to say that no one wants to be played within a relationship. After all, romantic relationships are not games. If you’re genuinely interested in getting serious with someone, then you’re going to want to steer clear of guys who […]
Should I Break Up Because I am Depressed?
Should I break up because I am depressed? Mental illness is an “illness”, it is not who you are. It is not a part of your soul, it is a part of your mind and it will heal over time. When you’re in a relationship, you’re with your partner through the good and the bad, in sickness […]
Your Ex is Still Waiting for You, Five Simple Reasons Why
Sometimes, a breakup isn’t necessarily the automatic end of a relationship. Just because two people break up doesn’t mean that they lose their feelings for one another. That’s not the way that breakups work. It also gets to a point wherein people will accept that the breakup took place even though they’re still in love. Now, since […]