#1. His face. This is a very important erogenous zone of your beloved, because the skin here is full of a lot of nerve endings. #2. The back of his neck. This is again the strongest erogenous zone for many men. #3. His lips. Lips are much more sensitive than fingertips and even more sensitive […]
Category: Lifestyle
10 sex positions for a gym-worthy workout in bed
In order to increase your strength, it is not necessary to lift weights. Believe it or not, but sex can replace you a full-body workout. BetterMe App helps women achieve their body goals with ease and efficiency by helping to choose proper meal plans and effective workouts. Start using our app and you will see good […]
8 mistakes can ruin a relationship slowly and surely
There is no perfect relationship. And this is a fact! Eventually, all couples have difficulties in their relationships that can lead them to disagreements and disputes. Sometimes these difficulties give valuable experience and can really change the relationship for the better. However, some couples cannot cope with problems, and this can ruin their relationship. What […]
4 reasons why even people in loving, mature relationships may cheat
Most people think that cheaters have a mental disease or a form of emotional immaturity that shoves them into cheating, and sometimes it is true. However, sometimes a person who cheats has an attachment disorder or unresolved childhood trauma and he uses cheating to distract yourself from hurtful feelings. Some relationships experience the lack of […]
The top 10 signs a man is completely in love with his woman
Are you in love? Love makes the world go round. A woman is really happy when she has a favorite person. However, most women think about their partner’s love and attitude towards them. Does he love you? What are his intentions? A man who is in love has different behavior and actions than men and […]
10 simple ways to make a man miss you
A romantic relationship is a rather complicated thing. Some people think that everything is rather easy and it’s enough just to find a special person and fall in love. However, those who are already trying to build relationship with their loved ones will prove, that it’s a hard work which demands a lot of love, […]
6 unexpected tips to be more confident in bed
To talk about your desires, to feel calm, to live in harmony with your body. Achieving this is not so easy, but possible, and at any age. How to do this? With positive self-awareness and inner freedom. For a self-confident person it is difficult to understand someone who does not trust himself, fears intimacy and […]
“I don’t believe in monogamy” and another 12 things not to say to someone in a committed relationship
Monogamous relationships get a bad rap these days — people say it is unnatural, impossible, outdated and stifling. However, it’s not that bad. Some people enjoy being in monogamous relationships and they believe that it’s the only way to be together. Unfortunately, some people can’t take that lightly. It is important to know that all people […]
9 Ways To Heal From A Breakup And Become Better, Not Bitter
Suddenly breaking up with that special one whom you have always imagined the future with, can be devastating and heart wrenching. It is extremely painful and difficult. The process is a long one, no one can say for long it will last.You feel like you are never going to get out of this feeling. Will […]
5 Things To Do When Your Partner Seems Distant
When the dynamic in a relationship changes, it’s hard to ignore. The imbalance makes itself known. It stamps its feet in your chest and your subconscious. It keeps you awake as they sleep beside you, but yet millions of miles away. Sometimes changes are normal. Sometimes they’re just natural steps in the evolution of a […]